Summer Canmore Cornerstone Wedding

Canmore Ranch Ceremony with a Cornerstone Wedding Reception

Kayley and Kens Summer Canmore Cornerstone Wedding was everything and more than I could have expected!

I don’t know about you, but everyday when I am going through my email inquiries, I get freaking excited when someone takes the time to fill in all the details and give me a good idea of who they are and what they are most looking forward to on their Wedding Day.

Especially when I can tell their personality!!

It’s super helpful as a Photographer to know off the bat if we are going to be a good fit for one another.

Perfect Fit

When I received the first email from Kayley I knew we were going to be the perfect fit!

Kayley told me initially that they were super “shy individuals who do not thrive in the spotlight.” She went on to tell me “We are incredibly in love, with 3 beautiful children and yes… our doggo Teddy Bear”.

As you know if you have been reading my blogs or website  – dog people are my kind of people!

Also I LOVE shy people because I am super good at getting people to be natural in front of my camera and anyone who wants direction I am here to give it!

She let me know that they were planning a Summer Wedding in Canmore at the Cornerstone Theatre with a Ceremony at the Canmore Ranch.

All 150 of her and Ken’s friends and family were coming to Canmore to celebrate with them!

The best part was Kayley and Ken didn’t have a date set in stone yet for their Wedding in Canmore. So I sent over my availability and they chose a date I had open and started planning!

I can’t imagine planning a wedding in 2 months so props to them for being able to!

I would personally say she planned the perfect Summer Wedding in Canmore I have ever had the joy of photographing.

Favourite part

My favourite parts of their day were Kayley and her Dads first look. I cried, they cried. There was a lot of crying.

Second – Ken is a super cool human and I can see why Kayley loves him so much.

I liked that during their vows he chose to say them to her in front of everyone without a mic – it wasn’t about everyone hearing his vows it was simply about her hearing his feelings and literally … you guessed it I cried.

I should preface that I don’t cry much – especially when I should cry but these two had some moments that really hit my heart.

Moments and Feelings

This is honestly what weddings are all about – moments and feelings. Being able to look back at their photos to create this blog post I am brought back to their day.

A lot of memories about moments pop back into my head and that’s just from my perspective – I am sure from theirs those moments are much more meaningful and important.

If you’re thinking of having a Summer Wedding in Canmore at the Cornerstone theatre or at the Ranch make sure to check out all K+K’s photos to be inspired about moments, views and memories.

On the search for a Photographer for your Summer Wedding in Canmore – feel free to contact me here to chat about availability and options!