I am so incredibly thankful to all of my happy clients who took the time to share a note & rate their experiences working with me and my team.
I appreciate the thoughtful words and am humbled by the lasting impact I had on memorializing everyones Weddings. From the small quiet moments to the late night dance party, everything was amazing to be part of.
This award feels like a big thank you and makes all of the hard work spent to capture unique memories for everyone so very worth it.
I seriously can,t wait to see how amazing 2015 is going to be. I’m looking forward to a year full of new faces and capturing more amazing moments for all of my clients and their friends & family members.
To do what I do takes courage, resilience and a deep passion, when my brides and grooms take a few moments to share their experiences I feel completely overjoyed.
Thank you all of my past clients for being so giving and helping my hard work win such a heartwarming award.